I was a sorcerer in AD&D. Here I hope to be interesting--at least to someone.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pope Forgives The Beatles After 44 Years

On April 11, 2010, the Pope made a statement to the effect that the popular 60's band, "The Beatles" were forgiven for the statement made by John Lennon in 1966, "The Beatles are bigger than Jesus!"

This statement was so unpopular in 1966, it created a huge upset in the world, and led to The Beatles' official apology just a few days later.  Apparently that was not enough, at least for the Roman Catholic Church.

It seems truly ludicrous that the current Pope should made a declaration of forgiveness now, especially since the person who made the statement has been dead for 30 years, and can't accept it!

To an atheist like me, I'm sure that the entire subject is pointless; but the act is so funny, I just thought I mention it here.  Excuse me, but I have to go laugh my ass off now...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sick of Being Sick… And How!

Well, I’ve finally come to a surprise illness in my life: Cancer. I’m really not completely surprised; I’ve been expecting someone to incorrectly diagnose my existing illness as cancer, but this diagnosis had nothing to do with VHL.

This time it’s testicular cancer.

Mind, the doctor hasn’t made the diagnosis an absolute one, but I’m only a couple of tests away from a certainty. I had the first test yesterday. The second is a laboratory test I’ll get in a day or two.

Apparently the only treatment is testicle removal, a surgery I’d really rather not have. I mean, I’ve never really needed them, but I’m sure I’ll feel weird without them. I’ll have to get regular shots of testosterone in order to keep up my proper health. Also, the surgery will mean I won’t be able to go on vacation this year, and I’ve been so looking forward to the family reunion.

I haven’t told my Father yet. My Mother passed away only a few months ago—of cancer—and I don’t want to hit him with this just yet. I told my two closest friends. I also told my younger sister – who told my older sister. I’ll let the rest of the family know, when the doctors make the final diagnosis.

In the meantime, I think I’ll just try not to worry. After all, it’s just another surgery, and—goodness knows—I’ve had many of those before. I’m not afraid of dying; death is just another part of life, and I’ve experienced near-death before anyway. I could do without the pain, though. And I’d really like to keep my job now; it’s the best one I’ve ever had.

Well, I’ll keep up the news, as best I can.


I apologize to any- and everyone I've been rather short with lately; I've been in a near-constant state of worry because my doctor told me there was a strong chance I had cancer. Naturally, for a while I've been putting an ulcer into my stomach; but now I'll be able to stop worrying. I just got the news: the problem isn't cancer!

Again, I apologize for my quick-to-lash-out tendencies lately; I was desperately waiting for tests and their results, and of course, that could make anyone irritable.

Thanks for your support.

Monday, April 05, 2010

To Grill or Not to Grill…

Saturday, I wanted fish for dinner. My friend Tom isn’t a big fish eater (unless it’s breaded and deep fried), but he does like catfish in any form. I decided to try grilling catfish, and I bought two fillets.

I’d never done this before, although I had grilled other kinds of fish, so I was taking a chance on whether or not it would come out right. I used a special pan designed to cook small items on the grill, because fish often becomes flaky when cooked, and I didn’t want to loose it in the flames. I cooked it for ten minutes on each side, and when I checked it, it was white throughout, and very flaky; I determined it to be done.

Tom loved it. He ate every scrap of his fish, and he told me he’d have purchased another fillet if he’d known it would be this good. He does like my cooking.

I, unfortunately, didn’t find the fish as delicious. In fact, I stopped eating it about halfway through. I just didn’t care for the taste. As it happens, my decision to stop was a very good one. I can only shudder when I think about how much worse things would have been had I continued eating.

Late that night I was beset by a truly nasty form of food poisoning. I was sick throughout the night and early morning, and completely inaccessible through the course of Easter Sunday. This was very disappointing, because the family was getting together for a real feast that day, and I had to cancel.

I don’t really know if the food poisoning was caused by the fish, or by my poor example of cooking. I do know that any cooking of fish in the future will take place in my oven, as I no longer trust cooking it on the grill.

Thursday, April 01, 2010


For the last week, I have been on a simple diet (of my own creation) for the purpose of losing weight. I need to lose 35 pounds. I am attempting to lose the weight out of need – not a need to look good (that’ll never happen) – but rather a need to feel better. I am 35 pounds overweight, which, given my height, would seem quite reasonable. Unfortunately, I was severely underweight for the majority of my life, and so the excess weight I currently possess is causing me injuries, on many levels.

The first injury I noticed was my fallen arches. My feet were just not prepared for the rather sudden weight gain. They couldn’t cope with the pressure. As a result, I am required to buy shoes that are capable of providing adequate support. Since I find it difficult to get suitable footwear, I have been buying inserts from my local pharmacy. The cost of the inserts is not bad, but I’d rather not be paying it anyway. Also, have you noticed the new support analysis machines (Dr. Scholl’s) in stores? While they do perform a fascinating service, the support materials they recommend cost prohibitive sums to purchase ($50+)!

The next injury was that of my slipped-disc. I have a disc at L5-M1 that is slightly (0.2mm) out of position. It is also squeezing on the spinal cord between the two discs. As a result, I am finding it very difficult to walk, bend, reach, and do other physical tasks without experiencing pain. Given that I am familiar with pain—having dealt with it as an accompaniment to many hospital visits—I can function in spite of the pain, but I’d rather not have to. I have been told by my doctors that weight loss would aid in the reduction (if not actual removal) of the pain.

It sound’s good to me.

The third injury—well, it doesn’t really qualify as an injury—comes from the costs engendered by purchasing clothes of increasing sizes, and the difficulty finding appropriate sizes (I’ve never needed regular or average sizes). Granted, when I was younger (and thinner, due to Anorexia nervosa), I had trouble finding sizes too, but there is no need to lament the past.

My diet has just completed its first week, and I’m finding myself rather disappointed. Given my resolve, I thought I was capable of maintaining a limited Calorie count, but I suppose I’ll have to berate myself until I can agree to really cut those calories. Of course, it’s only been a week, but I would really like to get into that one-size-down outfit again…