I was a sorcerer in AD&D. Here I hope to be interesting--at least to someone.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Health Care

I work at the University of Illinois -- a state operated school.  Just a few weeks ago, the employees received notice that the health care benefits we all received were being dropped, in order to utilize new companies and lower prices.  Our benefits are optional; not only are we given the choice of which benefits we want to have, but also we are give the option to not use them at all.

Personally, I am not a healthy person.  I have been utilizing the same health insurance since I was a child (my father worked here too--a PhD).  I will not give up health insurance, but I am definitely worried that I might lose the kind I definitely need.  One of my problems is gastric. I've had ulcers before; I really don't need more.

The state told us about the change on April 18th--just two weeks before our annual "benefit choice period" (the time when we can make changes to what we use).  The period lasts through the entire month of May.  It is now May 24th, and we have yet to be informed of our new choices regarding health care.  Also I believe I am developing another ulcer.

I can only hope the problem is dealt with soon.

Update June 13th, 2011.

After an announcement regarding new options was received during the last week in May, all UIUC employees were given 2 new choices for medical benefits options.  Both are OAP's: Open Access Plans.  I chose the Personal Care version.  I'm no longer worrying myself into a new ulcer, but I'm truly hoping that I don't have to take another trip to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Missouri.  If I do, I'll be required to pay 10% of the cost, after a $275 deductible.  The HMO I had before covered everything after a $200 deductible.

Update July 11, 2011

I received my new insurance card on Saturday.  Tomorrow I have to go to my doctors' offices and let them get the info from the card (they have to see it).  I guess I can stop worrying now.


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