I was a sorcerer in AD&D. Here I hope to be interesting--at least to someone.

Friday, May 13, 2011

More About Bin Laden

Well, I'm sure a number of people would think I'm going too far, but I tend to prefer real evidence.

I heard--the other day--that our government had proven the death of Bin Laden by the following evidence:

He'd been shot in the head (in the face, next to his nose), causing the complete destruction of his face, and causing one of his eyeballs to pop out; the bullet exited by way of a small hole in the back of his head.  The soldier who killed him said he had seen Bin Laden facing away from the door, and when he began to turn around, the soldier shot him at point-blank range, killing him instantly.  The soldier fired immediately because he was certain his opponent was carrying a gun, and was about to fire it.  Due to facial damage, identification had to be made via DNA evidence.


First, the small hole in the back of the head is indicative of an entry wound, not an exit wound.  Also, the large amount of damage to the face is evidence of an exit wound; something that is commonly proven in police and coroner reports.  This man was clearly shot in the back of his head.  He did not turn around.
Second, I'd like to know where Bin Laden's DNA was acquired prior to this killing?  Given that he was the most difficult man to make contact with, I'd be very interested in knowing how it was accomplished.

More later, maybe...  Assuming I haven't been arrested or shot...


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