I was a sorcerer in AD&D. Here I hope to be interesting--at least to someone.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Poor Health

Isn't it amazing how easy it is to go from bad to worse?  In the course of my life I keep thinking that given all the problems I've had with my health, it can only get better.


Just last week I was diagnosed with cancer.

Let's see, so far...
1. Hernia
2. Deaf in left ear.
3. Tumor in head (VHL) #1.
4. Tumor in head (VHL) #2.
5. Tumor in head (VHL) #3.
6. Tumor in head (VHL) #4.
7. Tumor on left optic nerve (VHL).
8. Slipped disk (lower back).
9. Carpal Tunnel (right hand, wrist, forearm).
10. Gradual blindness in left eye (see #7)
11. Rheumatoid arthritis.
12. Osteoarthritis.
13. Gradual deafness in right ear.
14. Kidney cancer.

I guess all I can do is wait and see what's next, hmmm?
Here's a lulu: My current health insurance puts Cancer Treatment Centers of America on Tier 3 of my OAP plan.  That means I have to pay 20% of the cost.  Furthermore, I've heard that CTCA is very expensive.  Isn't that just wonderful?