I was a sorcerer in AD&D. Here I hope to be interesting--at least to someone.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Letter to Senator Obama


I am an independent voter who has been a strong supporter of your Presidential campaign, but I'm beginning to believe that I need to aim my attentions toward someone else. I am truly appalled by your lack of good judgement when you voted for the FISA act. The government's incredible violation of personal and organizational privacy over the last several years was ILLEGAL, not to mention, UNETHICAL.

How could you allow this act to be approved? I realize that the various communications companies were probably frightened by 9/11; so was I. But I did not feel it necessary to use that fear to violate the rights of others.

What has happened to our government when the crimes engendered by its members can be simply swept away? I rather expected Presidential support of this document, as well as the support of members of Congress and the Senate who took part in allowing the rights violations to occur, but I cannot say I expected you to act with them. By doing so, you are essentially adding your name to the list of violators.

I was truly hoping that I could count on you to treat these actions for what they were: criminal. I'm afraid that now I have to move my vote to support another candidate for President. I cannot in good conscience support a person who speaks of ethics and ethical behavior, without actually acting in an ethical manner.