A Theory...
For the first time in months, I’ve been able to let my mind wander a bit, and what should enter it but politics. Oh, brother.
Looking back at the last six years... hell, looking back at the last twenty-six years, I’ve come to see an interesting pattern which leads me to the following conclusion:
The purpose of politics is to keep the citizenry from seeing the truth.
Let me try to explain.
With the rise of the electronic age, the populace has had more access to news, knowledge, and the opinions of others than ever before. Because of this, the population has had access to the knowledge that there are problems around the world which should be easy to solve, such as overpopulation, rampant disease, food shortages, environmental hazards, the rapid drop in educational standards, crime and its causes, et cetera. If we all got together and focused on each problem—one at a time—we could solve them all.
No politician would ever let that happen.
A politician is only employed as long as there is a need for such employment. Therefore, each politician has an “agenda”. The politician will speak to a small percentage of the populace, and explain that the only way to solve all the problems of the world is for said people to support him in his quest to solve his specific selection of problems (agenda). This way, a good start will be made on eradicating them, and they could then move on to the next set of problems.
Unfortunately, there are many politicians, and many agendas. Each agenda will have a similarity in another, by including a subject in common, but rarely will any match equally. As such, we end up with a web that is nearly impossible to untangle.
As an example of my theory, let’s take a look at our current President. In the last six years, he has managed to keep us well separated. Each time an issue begins to look like it may become unanimously the focus of the populace, the President has re-focused our attention by declaring an issue related to this war we are faced with, in Iraq. He seems to be very good at dividing our attentions, then allowing us to weave our way back into the web by letting us loose for a time. I wonder if he knits? He seems to have a real talent for knots.