I was a sorcerer in AD&D. Here I hope to be interesting--at least to someone.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Racism and the Diminishment of Black Culture in the United States of America

Today I received an email from an unknown organization (unknown to me; the sender didn’t give an origin) who seemed to believe that all caucasians in America are guilty of causing the imbalance that exists between black and white culture. That is – the caucasians of the current generation are as responsible for causing the problem as all other generations.

This is really quite impossible. While it is likely that the current generation of caucasians may be somewhat guilty of helping to perpetuate said imbalance, it is only because this generation is being taught by their predecessors (who were taught by their predecessors, who were taught by their’s, ad infinitum). The imbalance was started when blacks were kidnapped from Africa and sold as objects to Caucasians in the United States (and other places).

I myself am caucasian. I do not accept the concepts of racial separation, racial integrity, or racial superiority / minority. As far as I’m concerned, there is only one race: Human. The only differences between our members are the ones we have chosen to institute amongst our individual selves. In other words, what we perceive to be is nothing more (or less) that what we choose to perceive, individually.


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