I was a sorcerer in AD&D. Here I hope to be interesting--at least to someone.

Monday, December 03, 2007


Have you ever found yourself wishing for something utterly impossible?

Recently, I've been wishing that professionals (doctors, lawyers, businessmen, etc.) would take responsibility for their actions. I realize the impossibility of the concept; who wants to open him-/herself to potential (likely) legal action?

So it's impossible. Still, somewhere in the back of my mind is a wishful thinker, someone who hasn't yet been plowed under by the cynicism that otherwise permeates my brain.

Yes, there is a reason for my wish... I wish I could get an apology from the doctor who told me that the cause of the loss of hearing to my left ear (when I was twelve) was a heretofore unknown virus, and that we'd probably never identify it; so don't worry about it.

He prescribed hearing tests for me, tests which had no use except to get more insurance money moving into his accounts. Sometimes I get so angry at his lack of caring that I want to throw something. I was aware that I might have VHL (Von Hippel Lindau Disease); so was he. The information was listed all over my records. If he had just been willing to pay my records a little more attention; if he had been willing to get an X-ray of my head each year, instead of the hearing tests--or even with them--he would have discovered the tumor long before my 18th birthday, and I wouldn't gone through all kinds of hell getting the damned thing removed (it was bigger than my fist by then).

Unfortunately, too many people have learned that a simple mistake on the part of a professional can often be the stimulus for a financial profit by way of a lawsuit. And thus, said professionals clam up; they will never make the effort to accept responsibility for their mistakes, largely due to their attorneys' telling them that their malpractice insurance is null-and-void should they do so.

This is yet another example of why I believe self-responsibility has gone the way of the Dodo Bird; extinction was inevitable.


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