I was a sorcerer in AD&D. Here I hope to be interesting--at least to someone.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Comments to People for the American Way (PFAW)

I appreciate the effort made by PFAW in regards to the Guantanamo Bay prisoners. I also appreciate the efforts in that direction of all the other groups that fought for justice. My only real problem is that nothing will come of it.

It's been nearly seven years since 9/11, and the response that Bush engendered. Seven years of arguing this and fighting for that, and only now, when he's about to leave office, he receives a "rebuke"?!

Let's face it, we're never really going to accomplish anything regarding the criminal actions of our current President, or the actions of any future ones. The political system in this country is just too impeded by the mud that every citizen has to slog through. When we're not objecting to this and fighting over that, the government is busy protecting its own ass (and I do mean more than just the President).

Didn't anyone notice that we've been fighting a war against a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, in response to 9/11?! Somehow, that seems to have been ignored. Al Qaeda and Iraq are deadly enemies, so we attack Iraq? Does this make any sense? Of course not, but that was the general idea. We were kept busy worrying about the war while the government was able to do any number of illegal actions without any action taken against them.

Richard Nixon would have been proud. Also Adolph Hitler. This seems to rather closely match the sort of misdirection he used to gain power back in the 1930s.

Maybe it's time for us to stop worrying so much about all the little things, and pay attention to the larger issues. If we don't, we may not have a country left to fight for...


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