I was a sorcerer in AD&D. Here I hope to be interesting--at least to someone.

Friday, June 10, 2005

No News is Good News?

Sometimes I think humanity is doomed to destruction.

After all the effort we’ve put into making the world a better place to live, why is it worse?

I was flipping through the cable TV channels during lunch, and I found 3 different court cases going on; all of them related to a celebrity. The most profound of these, of course, being Michael Jackson’s child abuse case.

There they were, a “reporter” a.k.a. gossip-monger, a “politician” a.k.a. control-freak, and a “lawyer” a.k.a. scum-of-the-earth, all discussing what was happening—or not happening—with the case. None of them were actually going to the trial, nor were they in contact with the judge, jury, prosecution, or defense, but they were out to convince you of their absolute importance in regards to reporting the case. They were also making broad statements as to how the case should be concluded, each according to his or her personal slant.

This is the kind of thing I have to try to ignore each day while I make a great effort to find actual news of importance. Not that there’s much of it lately.

I’m sitting at my computer, looking out the window at the dying plants; plants which desperately need a good rain. I try to find real evidence that it’s going to rain today, in spite of the predictions I get from “experts” in the media. These are the people who, for the last 2 months have unceasingly predicted a forthcoming week of drenching, beginning TOMORROW. As we all undoubtedly know, tomorrow never comes. At least is hasn’t in the last 2 months. The closest we’ve come to rain around here is a light sprinkling that lasted about half an hour.

Oh, here’s an important story: A new Supreme Court Justice has been approved in the Senate. Wow, that’s really important, especially since he’s the one picked by the current President, and also is as closed-minded and ignorant as can be possibly imagined. This is just the kind of person I want defending my civil rights in America (raspberry performed here).

Gimme a break, OK? Gimme something important! Where’re the baseball scores?


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