I was a sorcerer in AD&D. Here I hope to be interesting--at least to someone.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Federal Marriage Amendment Letter

The Honorable Peter Fitzgerald
555 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Senator Fitzgerald,

In a very short time, the Federal Marriage Amendment will be brought to a vote in the Senate. I have a few things to say to you on the subject.

This Amendment will be the first of its kind. It will not only delve deeply into the private lives of all Americans, it will also discriminate against a single group of people. It will deny equality to all.

I grew up learning about how truly free this country is, compared to others (especially the Soviet Union and China). I was taught that we would never see our country creating laws that would separate us. I would only see the creation of laws that would unify us.

This is a truly frightening time in my life. I often wonder what I would have done in my youth, had I been told that my government planned to begin discriminating against particular portions of its citizenry. I suppose I would have wondered who would be next. Perhaps I would have considered the past.

Once there was a country that allowed fear, jealousy and hatred to take control. This country elected a leader who led them down a dark path. The government picked out certain groups from their citizenry, and created laws that severely restricted those groups. Once the first group had been isolated from the rest, another was targeted, and another. Eventually only a small portion of the population was eligible for full citizenship under the new government. But the worst was yet to come.

You know which country I speak of don’t you? You should. It was Germany, and the government called themselves Nazis.

During my life, I have closely watched as my government has gradually stopped looking to secure the rights of the individual, and instead turned to do battle against itself. Two political parties vie for the upper hand at all times. They vote along party lines, no longer concerned about right and wrong, now concerned only with Right and Left.

Please help my country. Cease this endless bickering between parties and do the right thing. Please don’t place discrimination in our Constitution. If you must oppose Homosexual marriage, find another way. Please don’t start our government down another dark path.


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