Don't Label Me
I realize that I work at a University, and that I grew up in a University town, but does that automatically make me a Liberal? Granted, I am a pacifist, an atheist, and a homosexual; I have no love of anyone who decides that the purpose of government is to keep the wealthy in power and to suppress everyone else.
I suppose that makes me a Liberal, but I don't really feel that much like one. I want controls regarding gun usage, corporate "indiscretions", military actions here and abroad, and govenment watchdog agencies that only report to the public. I also want the end of the death penalty, a more re-education oriented prison system and the end of treating young offenders as adults.
But does that really make me a Liberal?
I would like to stop the entertainment industry from producing the violent matierials that seem to be getting more violent over time. I'd like to have a more rigid system of justice in regards to illegal drug use and abuse. I'd like a new Witness Protection system that will not allow a known criminal to go free simply because he or she agreed to testify.
Wouldn't you consider that these make me more Conservative?
I also have a thing for children. If I ever discovered an adult assaulting a child, I would "knock his block off". If I ever found an adult sexually assaulting a child, I would ignore my pacifistic and "right to life" leanings and remove him or her from life as we know it. This is, in my opinion, an extremely Conservative reaction.
Perhaps I fit into the mold of Moderate (with liberal leanings). Perhaps I should be called an Independent. I really don't know. I'm not really a fan of the concept of fitting a mold. I don't care for the idea that everyone has to be associated with a group; I'm an individual who happens to love his individuality, living in a world filled with people who apparently must all be cataloged in groups that determine who and what they are.
Maybe I should just ignore the labels.
While we are all unique, that doesn't mean systems of thought are not useful.
You do confuse me. I'm going to disappoint you, though, when I tell you I still think you are a liberal.
A few details I find interesting:
We have controls regarding gun usage, corporate "indiscretions," and most definately military action. The War Powers Act is very clear: Congress has the final say no matter what.
You want an end to the death penalty...but the right to react in anger above the law. As a conservative, I'm just the opposite. I believe in the death penalty and no one should be above the law. I subscribe to rational principles like John Locke: Man who ceases to act human, ceases to retain human rights, and the government is instituted to arbitrate between equals, protect the just and execute the evil doer as an animal.
But conservative you are in these lines:
"I would like to stop the entertainment industry from producing the violent matierials that seem to be getting more violent over time. I'd like to have a more rigid system of justice in regards to illegal drug use and abuse. I'd like a new Witness Protection system that will not allow a known criminal to go free simply because he or she agreed to testify."
I'm with you on that.
I don't have a problem being labeled, just as long as the label is accurate.
April 15, 2005 3:09 AM
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